Ah hell, Robotnik caught whatever King Acorn had over in Archieverse

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Shoutouts to Dr. Robotniks whirlpool machine for managing to have the Major boss theme play even though it was an act 1 boss in Sonic 3.

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Он рядом. Как было много раз до этого - под завалом, в гостиничном номере, на пирсе. Только одно изменилось - они приняли друг друга.
Приняли с боем, с криками и страхом раскрыться.

ОСка и текст

1 30

He's near. As it had been many times before-under the rubble, in a hotel room, on the pier. Only one thing changed - they accepted each other. Accepted with a fight, with shouts and fear of revealing themselves.

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Okay so I'll admit I had a little stupid brain time going on when I did this, you know from that one video

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Maybe its just me, but Ivo needs more positivity in his life. Glad to see he is making friends. Wonder if he'd get along well with Cortex.

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wow guys dr robotnik is in the new episode of helluva boss

he wants to fuckin lynch himself up and down and all around

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Wouldn't it be funny if Luz and Dr. Robotnik (AOSTH) swapped clothes?

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I LOVE when Eggman's mustached upper lip looks especially furry! it's so invitingly kissable... I wanna feel the fluffiness tickle when it brushes against my own lips... the urge to smooch him is immense... he's perfect :'D 💜💕💘

6 27

Today is the anniversary of the artwork that started my time in this fandom. And it's the best fucking time of my life in 2020.

3 13

Wouldn't it be cute if Dr. Robotnik (AOSTH) and Lapis swapped clothes?

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