finished my drawing of the owl boy uwu

8 14

[Star Tear Disease BokuAka]

"I thought I could watch over you,
Just for a lilttle but longer.
The one face I hope to NEVER forget."

6 27

I saw these outfits on Pinterest and needed to draw my favorite captains!

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Hello a really good friend of mine asked me to draw bokuto in some streetwear <3 We love a pretty ace

(Tora's redraw of Kageyama is amazing huhu love my fellow art animal)

-Wolfie U ´꓃ ` U

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Come & Hug Me ×

finally some time skip redraw!!!! editor akaashi & msby bokuto make me go (。・ω・。)ノ♡

10 12

I keep imagining Bokuto as a tennis player so here it is. Lol im sure my art will flop eventually 😋

6 23

someone abt to get beat bc they just hurt 95% of bokutos impulse control

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