画質 高画質

Hey guten Tag!
Danke fürs Markieren! <3

Ich mal Emotes auf Commission. Mehr infos in der DM, hier ein paar Beispiele:

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Customized per portraits done❤
Still accepting commission requests❤
Just send me a dm,Ty!❤

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[RT부탁] 굿즈 판매

원신 굿즈 러버스트랩
캐릭당 3,500원 (운미포)

페이몬 진 엠버 리사 바바라
각 2개씩 재고 있어요

DM, 멘션 등 편하신 방법으로 컨택주세요~


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안녕하세요, 당분간 이 트윗이 내려가기 전까지 커미션 열어둡니다! 마감기간은 입금 후 2주 이내입니다.

반신 41000 (스케치업 배경 +3000, 선 문의 必)

두상, 전신은 디테일 따라 가격이 상이하니 문의 부탁드립니다. 신청 및 문의는 DM, 메일로!
닫을 때 RT 1분 추첨해서 리퀘스트 그려드려요 🥰

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Hey DM, for awesome toon work for 5k, if this comes across your TL please RT 🙏

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Hey there! I'm currently open for commissions, here's a look at some of my work. Send me a DM, let's talk!

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today I taught a DVA how to use their DM, and it immediately turned our game around into a win. never been prouder of some random russian teenage boy.

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Day 4 of
I am a player and DM, where loot and weapons are a great deal, so i had a funny idea.
They were gonna be Twinblades for Miku Twintails, but i just got to finish this one.

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Saints Bane's story has officially ended 😭😭 Our DM, , commissioned for a lineup of our party as a final session campaign. It even has their constellation 🥺💕

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If anyone is interested in playing D&D give me a reply or DM, thanks.

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Se abren comisiones de Emotes y Logos.

Espero no sea muy caro el precio que puse y que sea de su agrado.

Se vende también paquete de Emotes + Logo (Precio al privado).

Contacto vía DM, son libres de preguntar sin compromiso alguno.

Cualquier RT se agradece bastante. 💓💖💓

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Please if you like me to do an art work piece do not hesitate to DM,I’m always at your service😊

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Hey there! I'm currently available for commission work. Here are some examples of my art. Send me a DM, let's talk!

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Comissões abertas!!

Aqui está a tabela com os valores atuais. Por enquanto só vou aceitar poucos pedido a faculdade chegou (T.T). Qualquer dúvida podem me chamar na DM, respondo todos. Por favor só chamar se tiver realmente interesse. ❤❤

RT pra ajudar a divulgar? 🥺💕

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Hello hi! I have designed merch in the past for a few people, and myself, too! You're welcome to send me a DM, or check my website if you're interested!

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agora com as artes mais ''atualizadas'' eu to respostando isso pra dizer que estou vendendo umas artes pra ajudar aqui em casa, preço ótimo e o dinheiro vai total pra ajudar em casa então se puder dar um rt ou comprar uma arte comigo cola dm, tamo quase com 1k, obrigado de <3

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[RT ♥]

🎀네트망 꾸미기 네.꾸 고정틀 커미션🎀

네트망 고정틀 커미션입니다!
자세한 사항은 링크를 확인해주세요!
문의는 DM, 신청은 오픈채팅으로 부탁드립니다!

+선착 3분께는 3000원 할인된 가격으로 진행해드립니다!!


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