Morte na Enfermaria - Edvard Munch

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A criança doente - Edvard Munch

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Edvard Munch, The Absinthe Drinkers, 1890

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Edvard Munch (1863 - 1944)
- Enchanted Forest, 1903

13 43

12/12/1863 n. Edvard Munch. Nella sua pittura troviamo anticipati i grandi temi dell'espressionismo: l'angoscia esistenziale, la solitudine umana, l'incertezza del futuro, la crisi dei valori etici e religiosi, la disumanizzazione della società borghese...

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Edvard Munch, Fertility, 1899 1900.

3 11

Hey Twitter, do you have a favorite painting? Mine are Dante & Virgil in hell (which to me is weirdly sexual, am I the only one???) by Bouguereau, Vampire by Edvard Munch, and Primavera by Botticelli. But I have dozens more...

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By a Pond with Water Lilies (1892).

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Two Children on Their Way to the Fairytale Forest, 1901–02 by Edvard Munch

7 49

Random tweet: My fav artist of all time is Edvard Munch. I can stare at his paintings forever. The way he used color, painted people, situations and landscape... 😍Looking at his paintings almost makes me want to eat them

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The Kiss (1897), Edvard Munch / 2x14 The Hills Have Eyes, Riverdale (dir. David Katzenberg)

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Non avevo aspettato
e desiderato altro
che un letto dove poter dimenticare per un po’
le cose già accadute
e quelle che ancora
dovevano accadere

(da Kitchen)

BG 🌹

🎨 Edvard Munch

24 41

Edvard Munch - (1863 - 1944)

8 23

Edvard Munch - (1863 - 1944) Landscape

3 21