Waifu Labsで自分好みの絵柄生成してそれをトレス元にしながら描きたいキャラの服とかを模写したら好きなキャラが楽に描ける!? いやーん天才!! → あ、ダメだトレスすらしんどい。

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WAIFU LABSのキャラでデフォルメと影の付け方の練習 バストアップだったら簡単だろうと思ったら結局描くのに1時間以上かかってやんの(白目) https://t.co/X7gMYUhbGz

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以前に"WAIFU LABS"でAIが作ったキャラを基に描いたこの娘で何か新しい事もしてみたいんだよねぇ 表情やデザインがめっちゃ好みなのでこのまま眠らせておくのも勿体無い

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Experiment 90. But piper calls him Louis. Anyway there's one of the things she does in the labs oop- why are they experimenting on things she can't tell yall cus it's like classified or something

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シンガポールのGarenaがモンハン風アクションRPG“Dauntless”を生んだ「Phoenix Labs」の買収を発表、アジアや南米向けの展開を強化 - https://t.co/rrHuafonHt

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  I did for Passenger on  this commission was fun to do and a handsome character ✨💜 I'm labs107 on FR too!

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『Dauntless』のデベロッパーPhoenix Labsが買収―シンガポールの企業Seaの傘下へ https://t.co/vP2gFlyT5O

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Descartes Labs launches its new platform for analyzing geospatial data

Descartes Labs, a well–funded startup based in New Mexico, provides businesses with geospatial data and the tools to analyze it in order to make business decisions. Today, the company announced the launc…

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My baby, Rosie, is under the weather. We’re already going to have to spend $500 to rehydrate and start labs (which may not give us answers, meaning more $). If you’d like a symmetrical piece I’ll knock $5 (ie $40 base price). Can do these to fit lock screens, icons, etc

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Stream labsの導入自体も判断早くていいなって感じなんだけど、それ以上にNG組が力を合わせてる感がすごくいい。先輩とか気にせずガンガン行けるココ会長の振る舞いはさらにホロメンバーの繋がりを拡張してくれそうで嬉しい!

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Messing around with Waifu Labs, and I'm surprised how it managed to recreate a very close approximation of Xia Bairi's likeness. Looks like someone got her to put on a battle bikini cosplay for an anime convention. XD

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Playin Humane Labs Heist and the fuckin host just... Jumped off the chopper as the chopper gunner..

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Members’ Events: Refraction is Franco Di Cesare and James Hodgson's first collaborative exhibition of painting, sculpture and installation, with both artists' work led by principles of geometry and form. At RAW Labs from 17-19 January. https://t.co/voKRu0zv3q

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Фанат Pokémon Go рассказал, как похудел на 45 кг, благодаря данной игре: Niantic Labs выпустила проникновенное видео о фанате Pokémon Go, который благодаря данной игре смог изменить свою жизнь, сбросив лишний вес. Герой истории, британец Томми, однажды… https://t.co/SLjLo1chUg

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new emote for my twitch done! "dragon_blem" still trying to figure out stream labs, why is it so confusing? ;-;

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I'm Jasper! I'm an illustrator and concept artist currently working at Phoenix Labs on the game Dauntless! Is there any way to make twitter's cropping algorithm not work like butt?

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AIで自分好みの嫁が作れるWaifu Labs(ワイフラボ)使ってみましたが面白い。お好みの嫁の雰囲気、髪型、しぐさ、服装などが並ぶので選択していくだけ。最後に画像ダウンロード出来ます。クッションカバーやポスター(有料)にも出来る。使い方次第で面白いこと出来ますね♪

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waifu labsで遊んでたら超好みな絵柄で超好みな子ができた… モコモコ前下りはツインテと同じくらい好きなんですが… えぇぇ超かわいい

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I made a waifu in Waifu Labs cus I thought itd be funny

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