Here have a snickers

36 346

i had this cursed thought while i was trying to sleep yesterday and couldnt stop snickering

3 21

To Beatrice- darling, dearest, dead. Estabamos enamorados de los libros de Lemony Snicket, ahora también de la serie en 😍

0 2

Dogwife. The nickname my husband gave to me before we got married.
I love pibbles. Expect to see more of her!

0 1

find me on
Telegram @ Panderpia
Discord @ Panda💍#6679
Twitter @ Panderpia @ PaoxAD @ PanderpiaAD [mutuals only]
Furaffinity @ Panda-chan Paox and Snick-Snacks

💙💙thanks for all your love and support💙💙

4 33

This is what I do when won't tell me his birthday bwahahahaha //snicker

1 1

Wow Dragonite! That's a big snickers bar! dont eat it all or you'll get a stomach ache!

4 25

She needs a snickers. Art streaming!

2 36

startet sehr bald ein Let´s Play zu und gab mir die Ehre 2B für sein Thumbnail zu malen 😍Ich muss sagen, das ist mein Lieblingsbild von mir xD Ich bin super stolz. Schaut auf jeden Fall bei Snickers LP zu NieR Automata vorbei, wenn ihr Lust habt x3

1 13

Couldn’t help myself ... had to..I keep seeing her on my TL *snickers*

I figured she could be Miu’s fashion idol lol

So I scribbled this up other day . Teehee

81 329

Why is she so happy? Ate a snickers.

0 1

Native English speaking Servants that snicker every time Emiya calls himself the bone of his sword.

56 70

For you, the day F.A.N.G graced your feed was the most important day of your life. For me, it was... *snicker* TWOSDAY. ... :D Ah? :D Ahhh?????????

8 12

Hunger....? Let me get him a Snickers!

4 17