Today's topic is "fictional characters you identify strongly with."

I'll start; Spider Jerusalem.

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Jesus teaches on divorce and marriage, blesses the children, addresses a rich young ruler, talks about who is the greatest, heals Bartimaeus, eats with Zaccheus and enters Jerusalem in Volume 9 of the Life of Christ

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La pioggia di rose che il fiorentino Naldini ambienta nel tempio di Gerusalemme era anche un antichissimo rituale della chiesa romana: ogni Pentecoste venivano fatti cadere sui fedeli dei petali di rose dall'oculus della cupola del Pantheon, diventato Santa Maria dei Martiri

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Monster bug baised off the jerusalem cricket. They are plum cuties.

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.19, via sketch

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Hey Nate! I’d love to work on covers! Or even a cover. Here’s some of my stuff for your perusal. Thanks for lookin’!

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.87, via sketch

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well, would you look at that? A new ingress page is up for your perusal. Enjoy the many, many mugs it contains.

✨ read the latest page:
✨ start from the beginning:

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.10, via sketch

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You can now peruse William Turton's stunning 1819 "A conchological dictionary of the British Islands" on : (the artwork is even more stunningly perusable on : From 's rare book collection.

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Kujadi ingat dulu pas episode ini ada yang bilang kalo ceritanya gak masuk akal masa mr.scott sampe harus naik heli.. yee di indo juga banyak kali yang udah gini sampe ada yang bikin perusahaan transportasi khusus heli di jkt, bahkan founder kampus aku juga naik heli tiap hari🛸

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'O Jerusalem - Psalm 122' 16/2/2019 - acrylic and mixed media on canvas 16" x 12".
From the 'Song of Ascents' series.

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Klien mereka meliputi perusahaan-perusahan bonafid termasuk Activision, Blizzard, Lucas Film, Marvel, dan sebagainya.

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.95, via sketch

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.82, via sketch

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.44, via sketch

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"Jika kita sudah berusaha namun tidak mengubah apa2, itu berarti belum rejekinya" (Ajisaja, 2016)

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1866: 1er voyage en Amérique organisé par J-M Cook.

1872: 1er tour du monde pdt 222 jours. Les touristes vont aux États-Unis, Japon (Yokohama, Nagasaki, Osaka, Kobe, Yedo), Chine (Shanghai, HK), Inde, Malaisie, Egypte, Jerusalem, Baalbek, Constantinople...

Pub.1893,1924, 1870

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Usaha yang sebenar

Dari pandangan wanita, mereka suka pada lelaki yang berusaha. Usaha lelaki untuk berkahwin dengannya.

Jumpa ibu ayahnya, ada simpanan untuk urusan perkahwinan, tak bermain2 cinta dengan perempuan lain, jaminan dalam pekerjaan dan usaha untuk tempat tinggal.

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.92, via sketch

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