Inspiration: Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal -

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morning inspiration: deep thoughts!

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'Just hanging around':P
I had unexpecting wave of inspiration:3

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Mike Holmes draws himself and his cat Ella in the style of different artists and cartoons.

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Just needs a title. Inspiration: Catherine the great, Hypatia, Boudica, ancient dog, chess, life, universe, etc.

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25 illustrations fantastiques de Death Colossus /25 Death Colossal Illustrations

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And when I'm bored of birds (it happens!)...I "fish" for inspiration:

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See our online gallery for historical fashion inspiration:

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Double Dipper inspiration: 8 Waddles clones and Paper Jam Waddles

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Illustration by Pavel Tatarnikov ...

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Fashion Illustration inspiration: LOVE

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Inspiration: Zombise Apocalypse illustration via

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Iconic games. Simple to recognize. I see some some cool canvas painting in my future.

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Every day at 6am, my cat is alert at the window watching birds. Could he be SPIDER KITTY?

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