So... chunks, Huh ?
Favorite Flying type - Minior / Météno in French !

1 3

Pokecember day 17 (Dark-type)!

33 100

I considered changing my favorite Steel type many times while drawing this ! ;-;
Favorite Steel type - Metagross / Métalosse in French !

1 2

Day 17 of My favorite flying type. You have no idea how happy I was to see Noivern in Pokemon USUM. Espically since I could catch noibat so early in the game.

0 0

fighting type! Hitmontop! I haven't given up yet!

0 2

15: ghost type, Mimikyu~ ft. an extremely long body

5 12

Who knew that a lunch can actually last 5 whole hours ? I sure didn't ! But it was really funny trying to draw this guy as fast as possible !
Favorite Poison type - Skuntank / Moufflair in French !

1 2

Day 16 of My favorite steel type doesn't look like a steel type. I just took a guess on which mouth Mawile would use for flash cannon.

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Dᴀʏ 04 and 05: Tᴏᴜᴋᴏ ᴀɴᴅ Hᴀʀᴍᴏɴɪᴀ Gʀᴏᴘɪᴜs.

✧ ▸ ◂ ✧

13 32

Day 1617 - Pokecember Day 16 - Favorite Steel Type (Lucario)

25 65

Day 1616 - Pokecember Day 15 - Favorite Poison Type (Toxapex)

3 7

14: Dragon type: Dratini~ a quick one because it's late oops

2 9

Today's ghost type :] a good chandy boi

10 15

Sure, let that electric mouse go surf ! It's as safe as taking a bath with your toaster (Please don't try it)
Favorite Electrik type - Alolan Raichu / Raichu d'Alola in French

1 4

pokecember day 3: fave flying type

2 4

Day 15 of If you know me then you know I love poison types and will have a lot of them my pokecember drawings. Nidoran♀ is my favorite pure poison type though.

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Pokecember day 14 (Ice-type)!

23 83

Day 1615 - Pokecember Day 14 - Favorite Electric Type (Emolga)

4 15

day 13: Bug Type: Ribombee! My favorite alola Pokémon :D

5 14

"What is these animals ? They is the ones that eat snakes uh ? Is them mongooses ? "
Favorite Water type - Buizel / Mustébouée in French !

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