Being shortest one is most cutest 🥰🥰🥰 HuanHuan will always carry YaoYao anywhere just like Ash carry Pikachu 🥰🥰🥰

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-- Yaoyao Ma Van As illustrates life with her dog and the pictures are just gorgeous 😊...

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愛犬との日常をそのまま作品に イラストレーターYaoyao Ma Van As フォトショップを駆使して1枚あたり2~4時間で描く。

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by Yaoyao Ma Van As show that dog owners never feel alone

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Yaoyao Ma Van As 🐶💕

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“혼자 산다는건 모든걸 혼자 해야하고 자신의 결정은 자기인생 순간순간에 영향을 미친다. 혼자사는건 무서운 일이 아니며,멋진순간도 셀수없이 많다. 사람들에게 둘러쌓여 외로울수있는 것처럼,혼자있어도 외롭지 않을수있다"

'혼자사는 행복' 일러스트레이터
;야오야오 마반아스(Yaoyao Ma Van As)

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Не забудьте почитать на ночь!
Иллюстрация: 'Escaping Reality' By Yaoyao Ma Van As

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シングルライフのお気楽ぶりを描く、LAのイラストレーターYaoyao Ma Van As

173 546

혼자사는 생활의 즐거움을 그린 아티스트 Yaoyao Ma Van As 의 일러스트레이션...
사실 뭐 주변의 쓸데없는 오지랖만 무시하고 산다면...

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Illustrator Yaoyao Ma Van As Perfectly Captures the Overlooked Joys of Living Alone

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@yaoyao_80462 ごめんなさいがぞうありませんでした!!

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