画質 高画質

Susanoo - O lendário "Megazord" dos Uchihas, um poder adormecido que é liberado após o despertar do "Mangekyou Sharingan".

Mais um dos possíveis poderes de Uchiha Sarada no futuro. Como você acha que será o lendário "Megazord" dela? 🥗


7 79

Sleepping beauty Kawaki ft the witches Amado and Sumire
I love this trio so much

44 244


แต่รูปไฟนอลสลับด้านมาแบบนี้รุ้เลย🤤 วาดหน้าได้ข้างเดว5555555555

107 124

I love KawaSumi but just Kawaki x Kakei
Shigaraki is lesbian

34 202

Hello finally new art from me!! Sry i havent been posting much :( kkura’s photoshoot pics r all so pretty sjdsjdhdj

hope i get sth from this series for the random grad merch i (i only got 1 pack)😭

50 121

BORUTO TV Anime Awakens Further Into the Kawaki Arc With New Visual https://t.co/9PTsXSSkjO

0 2

You're not supposed to open the door.
PS. I couldn't decide in which filter it looks better - cold or warm hue. So it's up to you will choose!

42 206

Adding to my theory from yesterday’s Boruto video: If u look closely at it Amado & Kawaki have the same type of hair just Amado’s is gray from being old & is swooped to the side… 🤷🏾‍♂️ But maybe I’m tripping

11 213

Cena do tralier "awaking" , jhin vs camile, bom de mais

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💠Kawaki & Code
No último capítulo do mangá vimos um pouco mais do passado de Kawaki na Kara. Foi mostrada então a caótica relação entre os garotos. Code demonstrava sentir inveja e ciúmes do receptáculo e agia de maneira violenta.
Como será o reencontro deles?😱


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