534 - Conkeldurr
Type: Fighting

They use concrete pillars as walking canes. They know moves that enable them to swing the pillars freely in battle.

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533 - Gurdurr
Type: Fighting

This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.

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532 - Timburr
Type: Fighting

It fights by swinging a piece of lumber around. It is close to evolving when it can handle the lumber without difficulty.

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531 - Audino
Type: Normal

Its auditory sense is astounding. It has a radarlike ability to understand its surroundings through slight sounds.

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530 - Excadrill
Type: Ground/Steel

More than 300 feet below the surface, they build mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels.

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529 - Drilbur
Type: Ground

It can dig through the ground at a speed of 30 mph. It could give a car running aboveground a good race.

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528 - Swoobat
Type: Psychic/Flying

Anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic waves emitted by a courting male experiences a positive mood shift.

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527 - Woobat
Type: Psychic/Flying

Suction from its nostrils enables it to stick to cave walls during sleep. It leaves a heart-shaped mark behind.

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526 - Gigalith
Type: Rock

Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain.

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525 - Boldore
Type: Rock

When it overflows with power, the orange crystal on its body glows. It looks for underground water in caves.

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523 - Zebstrika
Type: Electric

This ill-tempered Pokémon is dangerous because when it’s angry, it shoots lightning from its mane in all directions.

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522 - Blitzle
Type: Electric

Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use their flashing manes to communicate with one another.

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520 - Tranquill
Type: Normal/Flying

Many people believe that, deep in the forest where Tranquill live, there is a peaceful place where there is no war.

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519 - Pidove
Type: Normal/Flying

Each follows its Trainer’s orders as best it can, but they sometimes fail to understand complicated commands.

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518 - Musharna
Type: Psychic

The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed with the dreams of people and Pokémon.

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517 - Munna
Type: Psychic

Munna always float in the air. People whose dreams are eaten by them forget what the dreams had been about.

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516 - Simipour
Type: Water

The tuft on its head holds water. When the level runs low, it replenishes the tuft by siphoning up water with its tail.

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515 - Panpour
Type: Water

It does not thrive in dry environments. It keeps itself damp by shooting water stored in its head tuft from its tail.

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514 - Simisear
Type: Fire

A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents.

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513 - Pansear
Type: Fire

When it is angered, the temperature of its head tuft reaches 600° F. It uses its tuft to roast berries.

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