Try to Find some blue in my phone lol
I'm Minakorii (or Jinxii) 18 yo
You can follow me on this Twitter or with Art Station
I do a lot of League of Legends as Jinx and other things sometimes

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Minako Aino is Sailor Venus

I really enjoyed drawing this pose but I found the coloring difficult. How is everyone's summer going?

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I binge read the entirety of the Cipher manga by Narita Minako last week and I loved it a lot so I’m here to throw fanart at a dead fandom. Alex is best boy.

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The best shoujo ever.♥️

CIPHER by Minako Narita, 1984.

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I love Hamuko/Minako so much AAAAAAA😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

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Minako/Hamuko, the FeMC from which is now my second favorite Persona game ❤️

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WS 2も回目無事終了!この後、完全に乾いてから余分な金粉をふき取って出来上がります。今回お持ち頂いたお品たちが美しい物ばかりで圧巻でした!参加者の皆さまお疲れさまでした! 7/21まで13:00-19:00 at

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Makoto and Minako sure did enjoy the new skirts, but might be looking for the whole uniform being transparent.

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minako arisato/hamuko arisato and ryoji mochizuki!

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im not late to what do you mean?????

anyway here she is!! Minako my sweet minako!! ugh this is such a pain... im so glad i finished it though!

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WS 1回目無事終了!この後、完全に乾いてから余分な金粉をふき取って出来上がります。壊れてしまった大切な”モノ”がよみがえるのは嬉しい。参加者の皆さまお疲れさまでした! 7/21まで13:00-19:00 at

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No matter what universe/timeline of Persona 3 you're in Yukari will always be available at Christmas for both MC's to date (Minato/Makoto) or spend time with (Minako) respectively. Yukari does not care for your timeline shenanigans, she WILL get that sweet protag time. 💯💙💙

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I heard it was P3’s anniversary today, and I just so happen to be working on a Persona thing anyway, so I thought, “Imma post this WIP early for today.”

Stan non-canon~chan Minako Arisato.

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happy birthday !! i drew some arisato siblings i love minato and minako very much.

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