A bull who played the role of a rock star and use all its power to sing, dance, and impress everyone with the power of rock music.

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A demonic bull who is responsible for guarding the fire temple from intruders and who ever tries to challenge it, the bull will show no mercy.

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A bull who lives in an ancient golden temple that can strike lightning bolts as a severe punishment for anyone who tries to disobey an order.

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A boy who lives in the forest and is the only human compared to the other bulls; its favorite hobbies are bullfighting and boxing.

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A pokemon who can be very excitable, but can not attack only if it see a person or other pokemon with the same lush hairstyle.

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A pokemon who attack opponents with astonishing speed, making it impossible for it to stop or change course until it hits something.

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A pokemon who commits evil schemes by producing cotton as a prank; such as leaving a large ball of cotton in other people's homes.

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A pokemon who rolls up and becomes impossible to stop and capable of destroying houses as well as people to establish dominance.

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A pokemon that give its own appearance of the sun above small clouds and becomes too hot for anyone who tries to touch it.

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A pokemon who turns into a mint-green cumulonimbus cloud and becomes a smooth ice-like material when hail starts to fall.

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A pokemon who can accelerate on high open plains among tall grasses due to character traits such as speed, endurance and physical strength.

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A woman who has the ability to control and create spheres that are associated with water, and then turning them into solid ice.

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A young boy who lives in the sky, where he owns a Cloud Kingdom filled with cloud people, while he has a green slime as a companion.

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