More weird things I draw to entertain you people....

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By accident i opened the wrong (and very havy) file on Photoshop. Now my entire computer crashed.

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Whitch blind soulless idiot can even compare SasuSaku with NaruSasu...why people whyyy

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Wife's show tix are on finally night.

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my brain every time the word 'baby' is said: beee aayy beeee whyyy babyyyyy

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All I want is nero... whyyy is this happening 😢 caster

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cause i wanted to farm today and maint stopped me QoQ whyyyyyy

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I just noticed the painting of Yellowtail hanging up on the wall behind Sour cream.
Vidalia whyyyyyy-

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Since my first choice hairdo is male only (whyyyyy), you’ll see me with this hairdo around Inkopolis Square.

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Because a few certain someones gave me a strong itch to play .hack again. Whyyyyyy

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Sooooo fanart for ! Was in a drawing mood so whyyyy not. xD

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🐍-Kaks-🐍//-I should be working whyyy am I like dis

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Woke up feeling like absolute crap, hope I'm not coming down with something...Orlando whyyyyyyyy? 😷

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Nala is so hard to draw whyyy

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Yohane's new UR hurts my very soul i cant get her whyyy must u hurt me best girl why

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