I drew my favourite boys as classic anime babes. I made Akaashi Sailor Neptune instead of Sailor Moon bc her colour scheme appealed to me more woops

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Kuroo swinging Bokuto out, in colour this time! I liked the sketch from earlier a lot and didn’t want to leave it all plain. :)

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I’ve been drawing so much Ushiten, it’s about time I drew someone else. So here’s a cheerful Bokuto! What’s he happy about? I don’t know, you tell me. :)

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REPOST! [#HaikyuuCafeAU - ver] https://t.co/sK155uDwGW Since I'm still busy with offline stuff, here's a shameless ad. I've decided to use more online services for production so every bit will be a big help for me! TY

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So i found a very cute owl photo and i just 💦
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and im back with a(n experimental) fanart of fem!bokuto mhmmm

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“Hey hey hey!! I’m the best! Right Akaashi?!!”
“….Yes, Bokuto-san..”

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