brain: noooo you have so many deadlines, you don't have time to get into another fandom

me: haha tablet go brrrr

17 187

Me: which pin should I choose???
brain: you’re an artist, make one, stupid

6 53

Side A of my brain: [griffin mcelroy voice] what do i name this Panic At the Disco-ass looking bird
Side B of my brain: [mike wazowski voice] you’re not supposed to name it…..

12 44

Too many characters already?
Brain: Make more :D

2 20

me: i feel shitty what do

brain: maybe if u think about autumn blaze u will calm down

me: oh yea

0 10

*otp has tall immortal in suit & small and adorable girl*

my kdrama brain: Goblin vibes????

5 21

brain: ok so lily poki and yvonne in suits
also brain: hnng gay cute girls

217 5183

I could sleep another hour till my alarm...
My brain:

0 0

My brain: Great chance to draw something hot
My hand:

40 216

me to myself: ok this is gonna just be a quick little project I don't need to go into detail

brain: no

1 10

my brain: i need a break from animal crossing
my hands:

9 47

me: i should be in bed

1 14

Lrt: my Nerd Brain: oh that's the album cover for Crazy Ken Band's Going To A Go-Go
(which I regret not buying in Japan)

0 0

Me: it's been a while since i'm not obsessed over anything, it's relaxing

My brain: huhuhu

1 5

One of my favourite anatomical terms is for the connection between the 3rd and 4th ventricles of the brain: the aqueduct of Sylvius. Named for the ancient way of moving water made famous by the Romans, and the 17th century Dutch physician Franciscus Sylvius.

82 229

My logical side of the brain: he's gonna look like a pomeranian

Me: haha fur go fwwoooosh

8 93

me: is about to sleep
brain: actually Hekate was super cool you are just embarrassed you couldn't roleplay her confidently.
me: u right. Here is some old art with her for u_u

7 40

me: chillin
my brain:

8 43

Me: *Sees the name "Deborah"*
My Brain:

2 7