After getting stuck in the bathroom,,, I doodled da boi

I only had Allen for a year but trust me I won't hesitate throwin' a bitch for my son-

20 60

Maylis Beelzenia from Evillious Chronicles


178 612

in a mikulen mood and i want to draw a frilly dress so 😳😳

anyway stan amomiche

15 44


my finest creations

mei-onaise and kai-tsup

26 79

Doodles, cuz why not

Also plan on changing Hansel!Alexiel's colors cuz they clash with his hair isbsiwjw

41 110

anyway banica and germaine definitely have fangs/sharp teeth. thank u for coming to my ted talk

9 34

it's servant of evil anniversary, have this old Allen piece bc I'm not prepared at all

yes, I made that crop on purpose

13 32

maybe I'm a lil late from the bandwagon but 😳😳 I just think they're cute 😳💚💛

18 66


(tagged by yumerin)

im sparky. i mostly draw evillious chronicles and vocaloid, tho i like other stuff too :3. amostia is my bomb son💕 amomiche is the crackship that moves this account but i love lenmiku in general,, heh
ye that's all, enjoy my art✌😳✌

8 33

I was upset and in shipping mode so drew Amomiche to cheer myself up uwu

20 82