Story reel. Disney Pocahontas Original Finale Rough Edit. Creating emotion with still drawings is a form of alchemy

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Chibies of Disney's & Rajah, Nakoma & Corn (!), Chicha & her Baby.

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We watched together, and at this point Ana asked why they were singing: «#sandwiches sandwiches»

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Got some toontastic fanart 4 ya :P (Yes its my character ha) Thank you toontown for being such a loving community!

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Chibies of Disney’s & Meeko , & Cri-Kee and & Baby Baboon.

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recíproca de cada una de nuestra improntas, imágenes y las ideas hace...Cara Thayer & Louie Van Patton, Paintings

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Quando uma pessoa pensa profundamente e seriamente, é ruim contas ao público em geral.

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ser adulto, pagar suas próprias contas, resolver seus próprios problemas.

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shit I thought that was Pocahontas

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In un giorno di tarda Primavera

la voce del mare

sembrò che raccontasse

la vita del mondo in un baleno


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