(2/2) and the sad daddy sad daughter duo... 's blood hunter konstantin, and 's halfling ranger girl juniper robin !!

12 52

Sachez que je ne peut pas réserver votre place sans un paiement ou acompte .Vous êtes beaucoup à vouloir réserver pour les com straps duo.
Et si j’avait accepter alors ça ferait un moment que ça serait complet.
Mais ne vous inquiétez pas il reste encore 8 places 💖

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Switched it up a bit, decided to draw a different Danvers duo.

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Flipping theough all my old sketch book and I found Kerry and Rue's vert first concept sketches way back in 2011. ( Remember when Rue was a guy??? XD) Thought it would be cool to post these along with the newest swf doodles I have done of the duo.

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(1/) Kicking things off as always with Sonico and Pochaco. I'm surprised at how little there is of the two of them together. They're a great duo.

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Together, Conner and Krypto form a dynamic duo. They fight great together, and they both will stop at nothing until the other one is safe.

They’re best friends and partners, it would be a shame if we don’t get to see them working together in Rebirth

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"This world will remember us"

When you can't draw eyes when they're facing sideways...so you don't.

Bonnie and Clyde, the dynamic duo. I took a little liberty and changed their outfits slightly but... meh. Its fine.

[Flames are not mine]

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Explosives and little goblin girls, name a more iconic duo.

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Upon arriving back at the outpost, Vance and Ve get a chance to meet all the other Rookie Rangers. However, one particular tomboyish Ranger doesn't take too kindly to the duo. Denise is her name, and she is, in quote by Vance "A bit of a meanie."

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The unstoppable duo. Inspired by the pic on the right.

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Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.

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Inktober day 14: Sleepy duo. Commission for feat.

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hello hello, nasty crime duo....

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Ferrari and strange team strategies. Name a more iconic duo.

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