Kishimoto the original Sasusaku AU fic writer

69 545

Kishimoto sempre deu pistas que SasuSaku é canon bem antes de confirmar

22 164

Não sei descrever o quanto eu amo eles caras sou mt grata ao Kishimoto por ter feito eles canon, meu coração fica quentinho vendo que eles formaram uma família linda e que apesar de tudo vão sempre estar com os sentimentos conectados.

8 73

It’s officially the canonversary of the first couple Kishimoto made canon!!!! Happy Nov 5 Sasusaku’s and thank you to Kishimoto for creating Sasuke and Sakura ❤️

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Sakura Haruno (Masashi Kishimoto) Naruto

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Naruto Uzumaki (Masashi Kishimoto) Naruto

10 7

Kakashi Hatake (Masashi Kishimoto) Naruto

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Kinda late post but I still wish Suika happened? But I came to realize Kishimoto probably wanted to keep them as family members rather than a potential couple. But let me crackship for a minute, please?
This is the suika daughter XD.

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its the name of my oc, i came up with the name from kishimoto (masashi kishimoto) cause i was hella into naruto back then (i was 10 lmao) i cant remember why ani tho

this her uwu

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For this spooky Halloween, Join Avina Ravenscroft for the debut if her Tantalizing and Terrorizing TV show, Avina's BoOoOoO-bies! Premiering today on!

Art by:

-archangelwing123 (DA)
-ryuuhashimoto_art (IG)
-ryuu Hashimoto (FB)

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They adopted a child!
Meet Shizuka Yoshimoto, a potential sorceress!

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no matter what antis say Kishimoto did a GREAT job writing Sakura's character.Instead of pushing the "i'm not like the other girls" narrative in a society where anything that is stereotypically feminine seen as a negative thing, she proves that you can be an emotional person,

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・Sukai 8 唇を少し小さく
・Ruo Xi テクスチャ
・Hashimoto Hair
・Daylight Tank Top

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Shinyuu ni Saiminjutsu wo Kakete Nottemita
by Yoshimoto Senco

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“What reflected there was the real deal - love” -Kishimoto

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Meh. nah.
It was SP's Idea.
Kishimoto started the BORUSARA ship b4 BoruSumi ever existed.

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