myself screaming I love you all silently

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*silently and gayly encouraging you from afar*

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"For a moment, it just stared silently"

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Heroes Battle Setsubun Card! 🍱

Setsubun is coming up on February 3rd & one tradition is to eat Ehoumaki sushi rolls!

You’re supposed to eat the whole roll silently while facing a specific direction for luck. I assume Iida is instructing Todoroki & Midoriya which way to face!

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Am I silently judging you or thinking about what I’m going to eat for dinner? You’ll never know.

A commission of Flo I recently just finished for ; I loved working on her, thank you ;w;

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'Larua' is a specter in the trees, silently watching and protecting. The original watercolor sold during a auction, but prints are available!

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Silently judges everyone while his Scribe surrenders to sleep.

Will be judging for a few hours.

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Good morning! Today's "Onsen Nyanko" is the "Nyanko who wears a muffler and a glove"!
On Friday. Influenza is prevalent. Elementary school teaches to eat silently during lunch time. I wish for Nyanko’s lucky today too. Then please enjoy.


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She's silently judging me. I promise I'll post more often, dont hate me! ;-;

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More Mochi Shiba ych’s done! From SilentlyScreamingSkully and Paradise respectively.

If you’re interested in one of these they’re just $3!

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I had no idea! Thank you ;___; <3
If someone's work has affected you in a meaningful way, do appreciate them.
Often people are silently struggling, doing their best & feeling alone.
Go make someone's day a little brighter <3
Full post:

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-silently waves from a corner of the Twitterverse-

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Been listening to a lot of LISA ost lately again... and watching the different endings and various scenes on yt... and crying silently in my room orz...

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He’s quiet for a long time, silently annoyed with Komaeda’s comment, but looking more and more horrified as he continues. “T-that’s... troubling... have you looked into what it means yet?”

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