When you think you only have a half hour till class then you realize your clock is an hour ahead and you think .... whyyy clock

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🇧🇷Zé Carioca妄想的joe版配色,Wuuuu I loveThe Three Caballeros...joe you whyyyyyy soooooooo cute and sexy...o<<😇😇😇💌

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whyyyyyy did u always say things like thatttttt i can't stop drawing yoooosung ahhhhhhhhh

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Die Laune, wenn wichtige Pakete für Conventions mal wieder auf sich warten lassen... seufz... whyyyyy...

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Okay, for some reason I can't upload anything in anywhere. whyyyy???

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Whyyy i love snoww QQ

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Seit Montag lieg ich mit Fieber, Schnupfen und Husten im Bett 😭 Und das ausgerechnet in der Prüfungsphase. Whyyyy!?

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why jihyo ah whyyyyy

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Finally finished~ I love how she came out > u< <3
meanwhile I have school again starting tmr... WHYYYY D':

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Got al the time I needed for drawing but can't get back into it, whyyy
Can't do better than this rn

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my new tablet only works in pen mode for some reason and its making me so sad lol....pen mode.....whyyyyyy

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stress relief
nooo finalssss whyyyyyy
I want it to be xmas already...

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Is this a cold or is it hayfever? And so it begins...

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