in 1943, a rare cross-code was held between a XV and a Union XV at Headingley. The game, played under union rules, was only made possible because the RFU had temporarily suspended its ban on professionalism during the War.

3 10

Sergius Hruby (1869-1943)

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10 52

Sue Ford (Australian, 1943-2009)
Big secret!
c. 1960-1961
Gelatin silver print

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8 18

Alex Alemany👨🏻‍🎨 Spanish painter (b.1943).

44 82

Exupery (1943):
" Tienes que ser muy paciente (...). Al principio te sentarás un poco lejos de mí, así, en la
hierba. Te miraré por el rabillo del ojo y no dirás nada. Las palabras son fuente de
malentendidos. Pero cada día, podrás sentarte un poco más cerca ... ".

2 4

「日本のアニメーション美術 はじまりから今まで」(伊藤望)。講師はジブリ美術館の学芸員。アニメーション美術史を概観。『のらくろ二等兵』(1935)では背景は最小限の情報だが、『くもとちゅうりっぷ』(1943)になると美術がアウトラインでくっきり描かれてキャラクターとマッチする。※続く

4 8

13 Jan 1943 19-year-old Ukrainian anti-Nazi resistance fighter Juliana Matveevna Gromova was executed by German forces. She endured days of brutal torture but refused to disclose the names of any of her comrades

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Lord Leverhulme adresses the Society of Individualists as Chairman. A 1943 photograph by Kurt Hutton.

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SCUBAと呼ばれる水中呼吸装置の発明家で冒険家の故ジャック・イブ・クストー博士の海洋調査船カリプソCalypso 1943-1996

11 62

Arthur Streeton (Australian 1867-1943) is best known for his oils, but he also painted in watercolor.

40 251

Women showering sand off themselves at a Servicemen’s Country Club. Chicago, 1943.

By Charles E. Steinheimer

13 31

Annemarie Heinrich
“Double Portrait, Florence Marly,” 1943

2 10

Dominique Peyronnet (1872-1943) : « La Falaise » Huile sur Toile. Art Naïf. 🎨🖌

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Pablo Picasso
Bust of woman, 1943

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08/01/1944 a Verona il processo contro sei membri del Gran Consiglio del fascismo che nel luglio del 1943 avevano sfiduciato Benito Mussolini. Si trattava di Tullio Cianetti, Galeazzo Ciano, Emilio De Bono, Luciano Gottardi, Giovanni Marinelli e Carlo Pareschi

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“Unity of Strength” – 🇬🇧 British propaganda from the Second World War (1943) showing soldiers from the US, UK and the Republic of China standing together against their flags.

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A new Disney cartoon fact: While it's commonly known that the character of "Emotion" in Disney's REASON AND EMOTION (1943) is a caricature of Ward Kimball, we've never seen it mentioned that "Reason" was modeled after Disney layout artist/storyman Leo Thiele.

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“Ma la vita è anche fragile.

Chiudi gli occhi ed è finita...così!!”

Safet Zec (1943)

Rogatica, Bosnia-Erzegovina 🇧🇦

“Ritratto di Luigi”

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