Check out “Erune Discipline” early on Patreon for $2+!

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You know what really makes me mad? How Donatello gets sandbagged more & more every TMNT reboot. He's been done so dirty for NO reason. He starts from "smarter & cautious, but just as tough and disciplined" to "GIANT TECH-Y, UGLY NERD, DURRRRR"

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KANEN PURSER, THE WANDERER. Quiet, aloof and disciplined... all this while wearing a heavy winter's coat in the blistering sun! There are many questions to be answered about this giant of a man, and perhaps even more to come with their answers!

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Lukagami - Discipline, by Aurora Lynne
What's up? I'm officially Lukagami trash :p
I did it again 🤷‍♀️

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The game of GO has a profundity and spiritual depth which are often little understood in the West. For the Japanese, GO has been more than a contest of skill or endurance – it is a discipline and a creative art that originated in ancient China but developed and flowered in Japan.

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Au , les jeunes ont la parole
Des regards croisés de nombreuses disciplines pour découvrir les œuvres, et des initiatives très originales d'écoles et universités de tous horizons !
C'est sur :

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Talent, Honor, Discipline... and pretty pictures!

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Today's is a It's called -strating Discipline.

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Today on is 's project Brotherman: Revelation – a continuation of the critically acclaimed 1990s comic book series Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline. Find out the backstory of Antonio Valor in this long-awaited origin story!

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Experiments in the Field: Why are Artists and Scientists Collaborating? My piece for on the importance - and challenges - of working together across disciplines

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Two completed today! I've been getting lax on discipline (and I really want to finish watching Evangelion), so one of them was done in literally jsut 1 hour, with no zooming. It's pretty blurry >.<

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New craft studio spaces are available to rent at in Wimborne. Makers are encouraged to apply from a broad range of disciplines. For more information please email

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i'm very excited for s college au! naughty college freshman Yuri finally getting disciplined for distracting professor Altin during class. what are ripped jeans for except as a place for Otabek to slip his fingers under.

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Looking again to artist Georgia O'Keeffe, whose "iron discipline" in rejecting gendered positions and in creating her aesthetic and creative life continues to influence contemporary art

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I am working with Henna patterns at the moment. I think the shapes and discipline is very similar to Islamic geometry. When seen in context, the Henna patterns is dynamic.

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.Join Award-winning author,, 9 Feb, Fri, 3.30pm, in a performance & conversation, arnd her disruptive work with Indian youth as she talks about distress, resilience, childhoods, her collaborations across geographies and disciplines!

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I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline & creativity is daring to dare

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brings in
with & one walks on path to attain
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under such picture of lies the

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