Papurau newyddion, cylchgronau a radios prifysgol 📰📻

🗣️Ydy myfyrwyr neu staff wedi dioddef aflonyddu hiliol? Sicrhewch y clywir eu llais. Rhannwch ein harolwg i’n helpu ni stopio hiliaeth:

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Anime: fileth-fileth:ユルサレン反省さんのツイート:

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"thou hast ravished my heart, with one thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.
I sleep, but my heart waketh:
It is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying,
Open to me, my sister, my love?

16 71

Anime: fileth-fileth:ぐれーともすさんのツイート: 六花ちゃんのふともも…

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Anime: fileth-fileth: 茶みらい💡東“シ”-75bさんのツイート: 令呪の力で無理やり礼装を重ね着させられちゃうマシュ

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emeth: Island of Golems will keep you on the edge of your seat with its nonstop action and vibrant characters! 2 strive to save the islands, 2 seek revenge, and 2 face their tragic pasts! See their stories converge in this by today!

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Our fast-paced action adventure by the authors who brought you Type-0 is almost here! We’re introducing character designs for emeth: Island of Golems by until 11/9! Retweet and follow us until 11/10 for a chance to a copy!

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emeth: Island of Golems will keep you on the edge of your seat with its nonstop action and the vibrant cast of 7 main characters who bring the story to life with their respective paths, convictions, and Golems!

Coming 11/5!

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Snake: me de cobertura Elizabeth-chan.

Elizabeth: entendido Snake-sama.

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We’re excited to bring you emeth: Island of Golems on 11.5.18, Grand Prize Winner of the 3rd Novels’ Award! Coauthors Souki and Tora Tsukishima have written for many epic titles, such as Type-0, Root Double, and

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LN news: Cross Infinite World licenses "emeth: Island of Golems" standalone novel, published in Japan by Square Enix Novels

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Cross Infinite World Licenses emeth: Island of Golems Novel

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Thank you all for playing along and guessing! just guessed correctly! The correct guess is emeth: Island of Golems (Emeth~人形遣いの島~) by Souki Tsukishima and Tora Tsukishima! The English release is getting new art by ! Official announcement coming soon!

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森沢晴行さんのツイート: つの#anime

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ハルさんのツイート: カタリナ#anime

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Anime: fileth-fileth:こう🐻ましろ1日目東A45aさんのツイート: 夏祭り袖つかみマシュ!

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nananananaさんのツイート: うむ#anime

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「受けとったよ」/「火照ちげ」のイラスト [pixiv]#anime

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ぼに~@3日目 東あ-66aさんのツイート: 髪伸ばした周子はんrkgk#anime

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「カタナ ★ ガール」/「goomrrat」のイラスト [pixiv]#anime

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