Painted for my friend who is fighting breast cancer that has spread to her spine and lungs. A colorful reminder of our hometown near the Teton mountains in Wyoming. She named it Awakenings ❤️ 😊

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I loved this idea cause its exactly how I feel about Emiba and Dennis’s relationship.

“hanahaki disease au where the flowers in your lungs also grow on the body of the person you’re in love with.”

1 3

New week? No problem! Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with oxygen - your blood will carry it all over your body and give you the energy to make this week great!

6 12

screaming at the top of my fuckign lungs

8 53

i wanna scream i love you from the top of my lungs // but im afraid someone else will hear me

0 13

Detective Poppy - allzeit bereit!

Ich habe ihr Vorstellungsvideo gesehen und musste einfach sofort ein Fanart zeichnen! Poppys Design ist unglaublich toll <3

4 88

eternal sky always makes me want to scream my lungs out bc YA TUHAN JIWANG GILA LAGU OBERSTEIN anyways artte

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Love you on your good days when you can sing blink-182 at the top of your lungs, love you even more on your bad days when you can't even leave your bed

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sarah runs to feel the burning in her lungs

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when i saw this look i lost my lungs so u know i had to draw it

4 12

To hold a dream, do we not all yearn to experience the wonder of it, the breathless tender magic of it? Drowning in moonlight, silver-fire filling our lungs to bursting, this is the power love can wield, but to waken is to know we are alone in the cold dawn.

- Khitrova

19 32

Gonna leave this one here while I'm away to buy my dying pc some new lungs

1 19

Kommt es mir nur so vor, oder wurde ihre Ausstrahlung von Mal zu Mal anders? xD Jedenfalls hier die nächste Entwicklungskollage - dieses Mal von Lumeia.

und hier kriegst du auch die Haarfrage beantwortet denke ich ;)

0 4

Dialog kann Ängste vor Digitalisierung nehmen. Vielleicht könnte man Dialogmarktplätze einrichten? 1x im Monat. Impuls und Austausch über Abteilungsgrenzen und hierarchiefrei?

0 6

I’m a real person who faced a horrid tragedy. I am not a fraud or a crisis actor. I will scream my message until my lungs give out. I will not silenced from your false accusations, I am a proud Stoneman Douglas Student and no one will tell me different.

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star fire~ Anne and I watched cartoons today (we sang my fair hatey at the top of our lungs, as per tradition)

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