Они с Айво все больше напоминали давно привыкших друг к другу любовников - недолгий, но страстный секс без траты времени на прелюдии, душ вдвоём - и сон не в облипку, а порознь, спиной друг к другу, но так, чтобы соприкасаться лопатками.

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День выдался и впрямь тяжёлым для всех четверых. Разборка, в которую их втянули, оказалась не просто враждой кланов, а причина была не столь банальна, как хотелось.Что-то негромко ворчит Айво, смеётся Стоун, щёлкают зажигалки и тянет дымом.

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It had been a really hard day for all four of them. The clash they'd been dragged into wasn't just a clan feud, and the reason wasn't as trivial as they'd hoped. Ivo grumbles softly, Stone laughs, lighters click, and smoke puffs out.

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I'm ... practicing drawing humans, I hope you like it 👉👈✨

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Feb 28 2021 vs. June 28 2020
Improvement? Lol idk

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drew this Robotnik in MS Paint earlier and honestly think it's quite funny

1 14

Robotnik says a thing or two, sonic was there also!

3 15

Inicio del juego be like:
Robotnik: *Autistic Screeching*
Emerl: Lo ignora épicamente

1 5

So far they've already used "snooping as usual", "you think you can keep up with me", and "yosh" for this event and it hasn't even started yet! :D

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// abdl

Why working for the government when you can be a little?😌
Yes, baby Robotnik lives in my mind rent free together with his nb daddy Stone and his alien babysitter/big brother Sonic.

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//Here a rp call out

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Violet the hedgehog, Jessica Prower and Maria Robotnik II

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I believe in little! Robotnik, daddy! Stone and big brother/babysitter! Sonic supremacy😌

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