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Here bushbuck, black crake & Tea Squirrels. story about Pieteri was a bit sad. As often in Nature.

1 13

Missed yesterday's drive.:( But I could draw the baboons and Tingana, the

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from yesterday & today. I loved the dustbathing ellie-baby.

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Night Safari オリジナルメンバーの一人である FUUK が PRPGRESSIVE FOrM より自身のアルバム『NATURAL ROLLER COASTER』 をリリース。


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Another older of Karula in the tree in sunset. Another great inspriation for an artwork

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& here another . I call the lioness with the missing canine "Zähnchen" (Little Tooth in German)

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Colour of the Royal Family of Maybe I make it into a proper . & some

3 10

I was pretty late to today. But the sighting of mongoose & boomslang was extremly brilliant!! Thx & Eggsy!

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A bit late, but that's what I think of the movement of Giant Land Snails: Graceful

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& thanks to I don't feel ashamed anymore that I once confused for

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I liked the story about the told. Maybe Hippos start laughing before the end of the joke

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I am full as a crested francolin, but didn't participate in the pouty face contest. Have an in instead

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Here is a I made two days ago of momma and wee little baby sausage

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Yesterday's sighting on . A teeny tiny chameleon in Mfumo's mane! And that's why I love SafariLive!

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