//=time() ?>
I'm not very good at describing myself like that... lol
I know the first one DEFINITELY does it well
I feel lazy to tag tbh;;;
Touched by this shout-out and grateful to @aramblingfancy @BookRiot for describing me as "young". 🐣🐔
Original paintings by Clive Pickthorne perfectly describing industry in #Stoke & North Staffs from the mid 19th century @TheartbayG #sot2021
National Alliance on Mental Illness objects to describing Marlboro #zombies as "psychotic" - via @NewsWorksWHYY: https://t.co/3yQ3i0TaYL
Describing their ink art as "escapism through exploring", Plume admire artists like Leif Podhajský, Samuel Burgess-Johnson and Phill Blake
I was describing Niles' outfit to a friend but I blanked on what to call this thing so I just said "tiddy seatbelt"
A chara with... colors.. .. . .?
not to brag but i'm really good at describing things
@Bunsfactory I'm crap at describing things so I drew a thing qwq
#OnThisDay 1991, Tim Berners-Lee released files describing his idea for the World Wide Web. Thanks to him we can share our comics globally!
Joseph Hooker's 200th birthday #JDHooker2017 - the beautiful illustration of Welwitschia in his 1862 paper describing the genus @KewScience
Apparently if you add the word "feminine" in front of adjectives describing traps, it's NOT gay. Really gets the noggin' joggin' 🤔🤔🤔
'The flat bottom of our barge hit the earth of France' #RobertCapa describing landing in Normandy today 1944 #DDay https://t.co/GtG0HKzsPo
I drew this describing a part of me with the style inspire off by @spibble. I just like to say i love your artwork and storyboard videos☺️!!
pics i did for Sonic 25th annyversary last year; each word in the balloons was given by fans describing Sonic in 1 positive word ;)
Theodolite joined to book describing its construction & use, w/ compass & sundial; Albrecht & Bumel, Nuremberg, 1625 https://t.co/NwRD3vhKPZ