LINNBORNS- A race, cousin to the Dragonborn but far more deplorable and vicious, lacking in any sense of honor and nobility, commonly referred to by all by their derogatory name "Linnworms"

2 9

All good. Just with 60+ years of continuity it’s easy to overlook things. In the original story she was actually a test tube baby and Kinney was a surrogate

0 0

the cryptid, emo (derogatory) player vs the mains

0 3

☀️ On vous présente KBooks ! ☀️

Pour celles et ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore bien KBooks ou qui ont des interrogations, on a réalisé un article sur notre belle collection ! 😼


Bonne lecture ✌️

14 41

[ midastwt persona (derogatory) ]

8 21

and them /derogatory

10 45


0 2

edgar (derogatory)

0 10

The Surrogates
✨Special Collectors Edition✨

LOOP-26 🟡 MANDO-27 🟡 888-28 🟡 HAB-29

Pick your collector. Connect.

32 210

The Surrogates by BakaArts✨25/50✨
Halfway there...

ASH-22 ⭕️ DECA-23 ⭕️ VOID-24 ⭕️ RAITO-25

Which one do you like the most?

37 337

having said that I love the fucking look on this kids face interrogating the bf like "bro did you fuck my sister "

0 3

Evil!Cerise interrogates Mr. B.
and Evil!Mr.B??

6 33

i saw star wars trending on tumblr the day TFA came out (before i watched) & there were gifs of camrips of the interrogation scene & i went "IS THAT THE BAD GUY???? WHY IS HE HOT?? WHY IS HE LOOKING AT HER THAT WAY, WHY IS SHE LOOKING AT HIM THAT WAY" & i was a goner

0 2

DND day! We were having funnnn! Rali specially was very happy to use all his 5'1" height to tackle and tie up a half-orc for interrogation!

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