ザマスの日4 : Fused/ Fusionado ✨
(still too gay to function xD)
A remake of an old piece, I remember when I used to scan my line art and work directly over it. Before all this, traditional was all I knew.

17 54

Why kill all the ningens, when you can dab on them?

5 14

A gentle smile can hide mischievous intentions.

12 44

ザマスの日3 : Flowers/ Flores 🌸

17 58

When convictions are trampled, a frustrated heart bleeds in loneliness.

16 45

Zamasu e goku black...é a minha primeira fanart digital. <3 espero q gostem

(Zamasu and Goku Black...its my first digital fanart. I wope you like it)

1 6

「 no tears to cry, just flowers dear... 」

15 34


The only thing better than Zamasu... is 2 Zamases! Damn I love selfcest. is life.

17 53

「 I'm the justice himself, the powerful God of universe

Zamasu !!

King Zamas: 」

8 24

Semipixel Zammy. I'm still not sure how this style works. 😅

18 47