im still getting through the aftg books, but neil josten natural pout is my religion

263 668

"me? i'm going to be the deadliest piece on the board."

58 138

"neil josten. number ten, starting striker, foxhole court."

43 81

andrew minyard: half monster, half goalie

37 72

He feels so attacked right now (but also secretly likes it)

18 71

Ichirou is a Fancy Peach 🍑

5 16

riko survives au but he became a toy to moriyama's lowest men ,,,,, hah ha ha,,,,???

7 27

sometimes i think about kevin on the run after his 'skiing' trip and how he showed up on wymack's doorstep, his hand a bloodied mess.......

284 607

just made the idea of the aftg tv show EVEN WORSE. jeremy somehow will end up looking like troy from hsm and jean will be some bad parody of gaston from beauty & the beast.

0 1

more cheesy rooftop-kisses (because yes.)

24 67

Another Aftg OC 🥍🦊

1 3

guess it's bitch baby riko time 💋

5 15

everything is very soft. hence tossing in some pointy stars

27 79

casually comfortable andreil is good, thanks for coming to my ted talk


166 371