Personaxe creado para "A casa do paralelo 54" de Iria Collazo López

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Inventei de jogar Habblive e vi AQUELAS conversas paralelas kkkkk

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Final piece of my first Anime Crush, Arale Norimaki.
Fun story she’s my wife’s favorite character and she looks a bit like her 😝 so i ended up marring Arale in some way.

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[Puyo Puyo Quest x Dr. Slump Arale-chan Collab]
Dr. Mashirito, Poopboy, Feli ver. Arale-chan, Witch ver. Arale-chan, Carbuncle ver. Gatchan and Paprisu Sarada confirmed in press releases and website update

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I will never unsee the paralell between Kurogiri and Grillby


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Two androids, one with God complex giving up upon humanity heading towards its destruction, other with God-like powers protecting it from itself. I see David and Daneel as sort of paralells, the opposite side of the same coin when it comes to the worldview.

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En un universo paralelo 😪

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Mundo Paralelo.
era para ser uma coisa e saiu outra, mas o importante é que gostei.

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Unas cuantas "skins" alternativas del sprite de Hacky:
1-Su aspecto alternativo (historia paralela).
3-Hacky como miembro del Imperio.
4-Una mezcla entre Waterman con su ropa normal y su súper flotador xD

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Her name is Parale Lundgren! Scholar, loves pink, and has a passion for adventure! Gets in to trouble all the time for being too honest, but has a heart of gold. I only wish she could look as chubby as I try to draw her in game.

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Em um universo paralelo todos eles são irmãos

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Fala galera por motivos financeiros estou reabrindo as encomendas, faço qualquer coisa relacionada a pixel art, avatar, animação, logo, jogos

meu portfólio com os jogos que já trabalhei e vários trampos meus

meu projeto paralelo

rt pf

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Ok no me estan gustando los links asi que tendré que subir a twitter e instagram paralelamente 😗

Aquí los nuevos elementos

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En una dimensión paralela donde nunca hubo invasión ni colonización española, así estoy con mi jaguar leyendo tweets 💭😍🐆

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Il videogame mobile iOS - Android "Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle" introduce l'atteso Story Event "Mystical Adventure" e con esso la carta Leggendaria di Goku bambino e Arale!


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New HD Artwork!

[Where Excitement Awaits] Goku (Youth) & Arale Norimaki

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