Jason and Timmy are curious about what Damian is usually painting

259 661

batfamily 逆序小鸟们

38 83


40 214

I’m done for this !
Well,it’s not so bad I thought
It reminds me painting next time I should notice XDDD

0 2

If Damian is a girl and she has three elder brothers to accompany him to grow up ♪(^∇^*)

195 489

Anyway,I satisfied with this
I tried my best to draw it adorable
I pretty like batfamily

0 1

"Out!" said angry little green pea in the corner.

101 132

Damian only one or two years old.

414 705

♪(0v-*) ♪(=-=*)♪(-0-*)♪(^∇^*)

139 345

Robin reverse alternative universe, in which Damian is the oldest and Dick is the youngest.

146 489

Tim:Damian那是我朋友让我过去吧。Damian:清醒点 Drake!你那个外星人早就不在了已自捅三刀,不用捅我了...

19 115


174 366


88 166

Bruce found a baby bat...or did he? 年龄操作。ooc特多,雷慎入。Damian只有一岁。某天大蝙蝠捕获了一只小蝙蝠~

331 691


372 746