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this is really hard bc i do love all the johto, sinnoh & galar starters but this is who i chose FIRST on my first playthroughs https://t.co/2gVLEYzAxQ
This is Hiki’s mom and Melony’s younger sister, Rebecca! She is the Ice-Type Gym Leader in Mahogany Town, Johto (replacing Pryce) and her main Pokemon is a Dewgong!
I took aspects from both Hiki and Melony to decide on her colors!
Johto is always a hard pick but ANYWAY look how zigzaggy it starts off https://t.co/GxGPyHbo3N
@basraa7 All of my favourite art has been Pokemon related, go figure. I need to draw more stuff related to Johto.
@TP_palkansaajat @maczulskij @liandersson Palvelu- ja myyntityö kasvanut kuten myös asiantuntija- ja johtotehtävät, mutta keskipalkkaiset työpaikat vähentyneet. #katoavakeskiluokka
Lost Pokemon of the Day: the Ikari family
First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, this three-stage Water/Steel family was created for Gen 2, but tragically, didn't make Johto's final cut.
(Photo descriptions & more info continued in thread below) (1/4)
Johto fav: Furret aka Mocha. Really happy with the brush effect! ^v^
Heracross was technically caught during the Original Series, but I decided to include him, given that he was the first Pokémon Satsohi/Ash caught in Johto.
It's a shame that he didn't get more screen time in Johto, he's a strong Pokémon with a fun personality
@dileganda @Pokemon I love Totodile, he's my brother's favorite, but I gotta represent my favorite Johto starter
La desgracia llegó también a su primo en Johto que cayó a las garras de cazadores por el tráfico de marfil de sus colmillos causando casi su extinción provocando traumas a las crías huérfanas asiendolos desconfiar de todos. @Barbie_E4 #PokeArtForEnvironment
Random Pokemon of the day is Umbreon. I love how this looks! So beautiful! Credit goes to Fallerium. #pokemon #pokemonoftheday #umbreon #darktype #johto
Also while I'm thinking of the Nidos, it's about time I uploaded their pieces for my ongoing #Johtodex project. The female Nidos are some of my all time favorite #Pokemon, Nidorina especially! The male line is great too, equally iconic.
Also #LetNidoqueenandNidorinaBreed2020
Here in Italy, the last days of January are traditionally the coldest days of the year, this is a winter-y illustration from the Feb 99 CoroCoro Comic featuring a lot of Johto Pokémon, you're supposed to find the exact Togepi in the upper-right corner... or whatever you like XD