you guys....I drew So Many Wolves back in the day
(Left is July 2009, Right is from this month)

67 610

there are other drawings I’ve done with a bigger gap in years, but spring 2018 vs spring 2019 of the same character is fun 😊

4 75

2008 vs 2019

I haven't been drawing as much lately, but dang. eleven years'll really do it, huh?

0 1

okay, this looks like fun!
2009 vs 2019. First image was done right as I started my time at University, getting into digital art.

7 127

2013 vs 2019 anyone remember the multiplayer in Assassins creed?

19 254

I still have a long way to go with my art, but I'm getting there.

2 42

2009 vs 2019

Currently not drawing at all stil bcs wrist but this made me crack up real good. It's good to remember how far you've made it. Also ten years, huh. Wow.

16 348

Okay let's jump on this hashtag because i love to see the results for myself! First one is 2014 vs 2017 (my first fanart back then... omg)

2 13

2007 vs 2019

It's hard showing anything from 05-11 because I started rendering things so early and often spent almost a whole year on the paintings I finished (like this one) - it looked better to others, but only made for more to unlearn in the end.

3 55

My Gaia Online days aren't the most fun to rummage through, but they were really my first introduction to digital art and character design!

2 11

If you are feeling down about your art, always remember to compare it to your art from a decade or two ago. It will make you feel better! Show me yours!

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