[PRE-ORDER] SVSSS x San Fen - Bingqiu Apparel Full Set

⚡Details: https://t.co/qS1pH6QjsK
⚡Item info can be found in Part 1 or 2 of each character's apparel line
⚡See pinned tweet for pre-order form~

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Маленький Бинхэ моя отдельная любовь 😌

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I’m not sure about this but I spent too much time on it 🙈 I started this a few months ago and it’s loosely based on the fic “the hunt“, on the magical hot spring chapter 👀

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bingge voice: remember to like n subscribe ! comment who i should cut up next <3

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some years later...
take revenge for what their Shizun did to them💦 in the past, maybe?

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Полноценнки раз в пол года✨

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Вдохновившись русской сказочной ау от сделал это.
Из Цинцю получается забавная Царевна-Лягушка, но мои познания в подобном на этом кончаются.

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