Bastet was originally a fierce lioness warrior goddess in Egyptian history but changed later into the cat goddess that we are familiar with today.

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The moon was a main space hub for the Galactic Federation. Many races have bases on the moon and their ships come in through the portals from galaxies afar.

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Athena is Ashtar's wife and mother to Galimai-A. A formidable space commander herself, she serves on the Federation mothership. She was born on Maldek before it's destruction and vowed revenge on the Dracos.

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The ancient Vedic mythology was a major inspiration for SKY GODZ. Also note that Enki's suit in the show is blue with a stylized snake on it.

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KORTON is originally from Alcor (in Ursa Major) and the commander of space communication and head of KOR and the Solar Cross.

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Amex Nimeon from Sirius and his dolphin companion arrive on earth through a portal (also known as Stargates) on an important mission.

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Djwhal Khul is on of the main leaders of the Orion Empire. The powerful military ruler from the Rigel system will also have a big influence on Lemuria on earth (SKY GODZ Seasons 2 and 3).

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When creepy critters like this one show up in your bedroom in the middle of the night, are they alien visitors or government experiments gone wrong?

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Anunnaki scientist Zini is exploring an ancient temple ruin left behind by an ancient civilization (even older than current mankind). Finished animation frame from SKY GODZ season 1.

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I love vintage ufos just as much as the high concept galactic stuff. A Pleiadian beam ship over the Swiss landscape (probably more real than the Billy Meier photos lol).

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Sananda is the Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command and in leads the physicians and scientists. He's one of the seven Kumaras and brother of Sanat Kumara.

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The Greys from Rigel are very different from the Zetas, mostly though their size and shape of their heads and general attitude.

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The Sirian's influence on earth can be seen and felt in many places on earth but nowhere more so than in Ancient Egypt.

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This crocodile-style reptilian has been often seen in alien abductions or possibly Milabs. He's tall and very muscular. A frightening experience for sure.

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Lord Monka is the commander of the 7th fleet of the Ashtar Command. He is the new defacto leader of the Command and also part of the order of theSolar Cross.

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The Lyrans are one of the creator races that seeded many races in the universe. Although they are 11th density light-beings, they are mostly gather around the Vega starsystem.

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KI is the mother of Enlil and consort to Anu after Enki was born. The Anunnaki were polyamorous, yet, they still would were possessive and jealous.

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