Day 22! Prompt: Expensive. Being a werewolf gives you an oppritunity to out-live owners of expensive things. An obsession with gold and a lot of patience can get you far.

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Day 21! Prompt: Drain. No small story here because I too am drained

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Day 19! Prompt: Scorched Human skin retains the memories of the beast but oddly enough she doesnt hate the scars, shes proud she survived.

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Another amazing werebeast transformation comic! Watch as my cute feline becomes a monster beast!!! Happy Weretober!!! Thanks for an amazing comic!!

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Day 15! Prompt: Weak. She tries to live a normal life but shes powerless to stop it. At least she tries to make it comfortable. Pure silver isn't cheap

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Day 14! Prompt: Clock. Time is ticking down even though the beast is unaware of the concept. It knows it's soon, but it doesn't know what, or how "soon" soon really is.

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day 12! Prompt: Whale. I had about 5 sketches for this prompt because I was struggling to figure out how to combine whales and werewolves and then I gave up and made this.

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day 11! Prompt: Cruel. The villagers planned an attack, they would drive the beast back with an assult of arrows to a wood riddled with silver bear traps. They'll send a scouting crew to find the person in the morning.

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day 7! Prompt: Exhausted. I stole this panel from one of my unfinished comics and colored it, they're my characters Effi and Amir, both werewolves but Effi is human at night, wolf during the day. Amir is the wolf in this pic.

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day 5! Prompt: Chicken. This is more of a joke, I couldn't think out of the box for this one so i made it obvious instead.

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day 4! Prompt: Spell. After being inflicted with lycanthropy and desperate to go back to his normal job as a botanist, he delves into the mysical arts to find a cure. His cat still hasn't quite adjusted either

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day 3, "Roasted". A scared villager sets the forest on fire just as daybreak came; the werewolf's curse was almost lifted.

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