Feeling so happy about this beautiful beautiful XiYao
Feeling sour because I'm too far for trading...
These mixed feeling

0 2

"How comes your body so cold?"
Love this kind of hugs from behind💙💛
Long fanfic - https://t.co/IfjD1szkHU
lofter 金陵小小生 长篇同人文

789 2640

From fanfic Chapter 71-LXC cleaning JGY body after they "x" and JGY put him foot on LXC "x"part to tease him.
"Does anyone know that you like this in private? ZeWuJun?
"Don't mess around,beware my emotional"
After this scene they catch a boy voyeur them😂

647 2136

"ErGe..What happen to you?Calm down..um"
Lofter fanfic-https://t.co/uK4T4ADY2d their first time.A woman trap LXC w psychedelic. LXC back JGY room and...
Lofter 金陵小小生的同人文

775 2598

"You are right in front of me,but it feels like you are far away"
situation-“I hid to you I tot you'll not know. I know you hid something from me but I act like I dunno”

978 2981

Lofter 金陵小小生 长篇同人-女装大佬瑶妹🤣
Lofter ID 金陵小小生 long long fanfic (currently updated chapter 403)
This is from chapter 23- someone bring JinGuangYao come alive and he escape, disguised as women🤣 This fanfic really really nice! very good plot QwQ

325 1411

You writing and I help you rub ink on ink stone😌
XiYao in my mind. From XiYao fanfic [ Disqualified Villain ] chapter 160
Link: https://t.co/pMh3IvQd9W

694 2098

“I realized very late that my happiness appeared when he was by my side...”

124 246


148 383

Belly rub (*´∀`)

187 594

Mend clothes🧺
LXC break those clothes during laundry. MengYao help him do sewing.
"Master, I'm sorry, the hole too big I have to sew some picture to covered it."XD

907 2960

Candle talk
Talk one month, everyday talk so many thing to talk..? 🤣do you ever think of the feeling of A-Su😂

956 2825

Fox eaten by deer.
Full image here: https://t.co/b5pa1QuVjI

829 3364

在昨天这个官方发粮的日子里 我忘发推特了【

54 174

"This deer looks delicious, let me have a bite"🦌🦊
Thank you official give me Fox MengYao TTvTT

1147 3119

I was thinking of drawing something seriously. But I can't stop myself from looking at 曦臣's horns and thinking it'll be a perfect clothes-horse ...

349 835

压箱底曦瑶图1号 是北百劳斯的军服设定

56 124