udah lama ga pake laptop buat gambar, tadi ngubek laptop nemu ini.
Gambarnya tahun 2018. Karakter ini lahirnya 2015.
Sekarang jarang bgt digambar tapi. Wkwkwk

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The Rod of Remorse Candy Bar,
or is it made out of cake??

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Mira & Alas

Pengen ke Taman kembar,, dimana itu kang ?

Mau kasih tulisan pesta bunuh diri terlalu seram, gambarnya anak² & kambing. Eh kambingnya kayak anjing bertanduk. 🤭

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[RTs are appreciated ❤️]
Ketentuan sudah tertera di gambar, apabila tertarik dan ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut bisa pm ya 💕
Thankyou buat supportnya !!

11 14

Thanks, , sorry I am late. I have lots of fav artists include: Felicita Sala, Paola Escobar, Jillian Tamaki, Chris Riddell, Lorena Alvarez, and many more.



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Here's a piece I just finished. Xil-Bar, security officer aboard Really proud of how this one came out, it's definitely one of the most ambitious pieces I've done in a while.

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The selfie painting for Erin Lebar, , was quite fun once I decided that I didn’t have to draw the little red hearts on her mask. Love the colours! https://t.co/vxxEesVRdB

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Freddy VS Fred: (Otro día hablo de "Soy Más Fuerte Que Tú")

Es uno de mis capítulos favoritos de grabar, y a la vez, fue uno de los más complicados 👀

Tuve que tener una personalidad muy cruel con mi hermano 🥺

Fred se comportó...como decirlo, como un idiota 🤣

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Pensaram que iriam me derrubar, logo eu que rastejo 🤡✨

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Hi Twitter! 👋

My name is Kibar, I’m a freelance illustrator. Drawing comicbook characters most of the time.

I’m available for commissions and freelance work.

Instagram: https://t.co/VXMuSxszFD
Talenthouse: https://t.co/t9ABx0ZncB

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Pen jago gambar, tapi males latihan.
Dasar aku 😭

Menggambar anakku, yang sudah makmur.

0 1

Hiii Aku Min~🍑
Dlu sempet stop gambar trus yg bikin aku suka gambar lagi gara2 sering liat foto jm trus bawaannya pengen gambar,dlu gambar fanart pertama yg kubuat ini waktu 2015. sekarang jadi suka gambar lagi tradi sama digi💕

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Puede que esa ardilla Sid me cause hacer algo que no es bueno, como robar, pero el no sabe la sorpresa que le espera jeje

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“Incorruptible Force” is a grimy noir in a seedy Gotham bar, and you can read it in Batman Gotham Nights here: https://t.co/E4mnbEEA0l Words by me, art by , colors by , letters by

11 27

Projet quatre mains avec
Marion Leval
Ancienne policière, propriétaire d'un bar, Marion est une vampire transformée qui tente de survivre dans un monde dominée par les vampires purs. Elle est ace aussi !
Chara design :
Aesthetics :

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Yes! In fact there is! There should be a tool properties bar when you boot up CSP. And in that bar, there should be a stabilization option that goes up to 100!

I hope this answers your question.

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(3/4) Raffle prize for
If I saw this cutie on a bar, I'd totally try to ask her for a date xD

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'Another World, Another Time' - Just for fun, what if the M9 were in a grungy cyberpunk world. Here they are chilling in their bar, the Xhorhaus...

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Another picture of Stella Bar, main character in my writing project.

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latian cepetan mana abis batre hape atau gambar, alhamdulillah gambar selese duluan

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