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This is old as fuck but I still kind of fw it (2019)

113 1103

Ayer se cumplieron 5 años de que hice que una compañera casi reseteara su computadora del miedo jajsja
Wow fue hace tanto?
Ni recordaba que de hecho estaba en ese fandom
Tremenda nostalgia

2 8

Happy Belated Birthday Monika & Happy 5th Anniversary DDLC (4/6)


51 294

Happy 5th birthday to the girl
(5th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!! Wowowowow)

20 104

"Your reality is only one of 14 million possibilities..."

-The lady who knows everything

463 3132

Feliz aniversario DDLC!!! y FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS MONIKA :DDD!!!!! (despuésloterminojsahkjdlfdf)

6 28


30 184

Happy 5th birthday doki doki literature club

18 100

A quick drawing of my beloved Monika, Congratulations my dear ❤

1 15

still don't have a PC, but wanted to draw something for the 5th anniversary of DDLC, here's a quick sketch:D

love you Monika

18 72

I'm sorry for not doing something for the anniversary of

I'm the type who doesn't delve much into fandoms in general. If anything, my 4 years making fan art should be enough to contribute.

3 19

Happy 5th Anniversary to Doki Doki!!! Can't believe it been 5 years already!!!

42 249

Has it really been 5 years since DDLC dropped? Dam! 🎂
Hap Anniversary 2 this trip of a game, 4ever having my heart!
N remember
J u S t M o N i K a ~

2 1