雲のように 風のようにがこちらのprimeにあったのでみた!まさにhidden gem…見たことなかったの信じられないわ…あちこちに込められたメッセージがすごいよかった。銀河は本当に人としてとても素敵で彼女みたいに生きたい。

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Ejem… ¿cómo se empiezan estas cosas?
Soy un dibujante amateur desde hace tiempo—¿creo que desde hace 7 años? — que disfruta ver anime, leer mangas y que también escribe Fanfics. Un poco de todo verdaderamente.

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🇧🇷 Sim, eu sumi, mas não parei de desenhar kkkk Eu to fazendo muitos aliens originais desse programa que eu amo tanto... e tbm me desenhei inspirado nele
🇺🇸 I’ve been drawing a lot of originals aliens from Ben 10 and soon I will post them… btw thats me inspired by him

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Oops! I’m late...!
I forget to draw a commemorative illustration. Congratulations for 100k subs! 😍

It’s my favorite couple🥰

Also, I heard he sells clothes designs! I really want them…😭

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I mean, how could I not include them? I just love them so much!
And ehem… I wrote a fanfic about them too...

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I really like them…they are so f**king cool😇😇😇😇

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I want to be a maid among of them…😌✨✨✨

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so in my unnamed team, we have two setters (a talented one and an experienced one *cough*kagesuga*cough* they have their character arcs and I.. love em… uc

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Great to see have now launched the illustrative project graphics I created for them…which means I can share them now too… Yay! Full project case study here, if you’d like to see more... https://t.co/3yWCpAxtkr

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Nickit esta basado en una cria de zorro rojo y en un ladron ...ejem swiper ejem…Posee patrones en su rostro que recuerdan a las máscaras kabuki japonesas, específicamente la que representa al zorro, aunque los patrones alrededor de sus ojos hacen recordar a un tanuki.

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Nickit esta basado en una cria de zorro rojo y en un ladron ...ejem swiper ejem…Posee patrones en su rostro que recuerdan a las máscaras kabuki japonesas, específicamente la que representa al zorro, aunque los patrones alrededor de sus ojos hacen recordar a un tanuki.

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So I do practice sketches whenever I get ready to draw for my comic, and one of them… turned into this. I’ve read the ‘Smiling Man’ by MuseValentine. I'm sucked in.

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Filter, with this old thing.
This was my first fully colored drawing. I think I was 14 when I did this.
Feel free to ask me about any of these old OCs in this, I remember all of them… for some reason.

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Your songs,your drawings and your voice are so good✨…I like them…and I try to draw your characters 💦hope u like it💦I am so sorry if I bother u><
(( I can understand just a little Japanese…so I write this message (?)by English…But I am Chinese!

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どのコがいいかなー? …娘(こ)?


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