More Zelda sketching, what if she took links spot as protagonist.. I'd be down 😈

4 15

Man this year's GOTY candidates for look solid!

102 190

Tengo y me gusta bastante pero no debió gana el GOTY en los ¿Que les pasa por la cabeza a esos jueces?

0 0

PC gamers watching and hearing them talk specs for console games be like...

0 4

We are exploding of Inside HYPE! BTW this is CR right now! Waiting is torture!!!

16 44

Congrats to & for Here a WIP from Mistral,best charact at MGRising

0 4

Congratulations!! and thanks for everything

266 873

YES! JUSTICE! Gz and for the most well deserved awards of the event.

5 5