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25 - Pikachu
Type: Electric
When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
24 - Arbok
Type: Poison
To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth.
23 - Ekans
Type: Poison
It flutters the tip of its tongue to seek out the scent of prey, then swallows the prey whole.
22 - Fearow
Type: Normal/Flying
It uses its long beak to attack. It has a surprisingly long reach, so it must be treated with caution.
21 - Spearow
Type: Normal/Flying
To protect its territory, it flies around ceaselessly, making high-pitched cries.
20 - Raticate
Type: Normal
The webs on its hind legs enable it to cross rivers. It searches wide areas for food.
19 - Rattata
Type: Normal
This Pokémon's impressive vitality allows it to live anywhere. It also multiplies very quickly.
18 - Pidgeot
Type: Normal/Flying
Its outstanding vision allows it to spot splashing MAGIKARP, even while flying at 3300 feet.
17 - Pidgeotto
Type: Normal/Flying
It slowly flies in a circular pattern, all the while keeping a sharp lookout for prey.
16 - Pidgey
Type: Normal/Flying
It rapidly flaps its wings in the grass, stirring up a dust cloud that drives insect prey out into the open.
15 - Beedrill
Type: Bug/Poison
It uses sharp, poisonous stings to defeat prey, then takes the victim back to its nest for food.
name a cooler gen1 pokemon than kangaskhan
kangaroo dinosaur. so badass
14 - Kakuna
Type: Bug/Poison
Nearly incapable of movement, it leans against stout trees while waiting for its evolution.
13 - Weedle
Type: Bug/Poison
The barb on top of its head secretes a strong poison. It uses this toxic barb to protect itself.
12 - Butterfree
Type: Bug/Flying
It flits from flower to flower, collecting honey. It can even identify distant flowers in bloom.
11 - Metapod
Type: Bug
This is its pre-evolved form. At this stage, it can only harden, so it remains motionless to avoid attack.
10 - Caterpie
Type: Bug
It crawls into foliage where it camouflages itself among leaves that are the same color as its body.
9 - Blastoise
Type: Water
It firmly plants its feet on the ground before shooting water from the jets on its back.
8 - Wartortle
Type: Water
Its long, furry tail is a symbol of longevity, making it quite popular among older people.
7 - Squirtle
Type: Water
When it feels threatened, it draws its legs inside its shell and sprays water from its mouth.