films under the banne of

>David Ayer's Suicide Squad (#ReleaseTheAyerCut)

>Ben Affleck's Batman (#MakeTheBatfleckMovie)

>Justice League 2 (#JusticeLeaguepart2)

>Deathstroke Movie (#SaveDeathstrokeMovie)

>Jared Leto's Joker

50 177

Also, I my so lemme say one more thing, from Apokolips, with love:

because “You know. You already know.”

3 15

Some quick posters I did to show support. Which one do you prefer?

and 😊😉

59 159

I know there's a mission happening but I am sorry to say that I won't be taking part. I don't want anything to do with that studio and just like Zack, I'm on the no plan train for the moment.


20 45

This is how the illustration remains. today he falls asleep early to rest a little. good night all!

4 37

The craze for these two. One would think, you would use that 🤔

0 5

New Road to ZSJL entry (2021's first one too!).
And yes, she does when she has to. Deal with it.


94 388