I realized that I haven't tweeted the fox pair thingies yet, so here they are 💓 (1/3)

36 66

another attempt at drawing neil

13 45

them again! quick peck on the cheek.

10 42

yes good. this is good.

43 138

"Yes or no?" // dyin over Andreil 24/7 is my new state of being ✌️

121 287

congratulations to my sims, they finally had their first kiss after Kevin's non-stop perseverance

70 317

Andreil in flag sweaters for 🏳️‍🌈

134 368

Dying in the summer heat 🌅🍹🌊

22 53

Sunday mornings are for sleeping in

15 40

I wonder what kind of music they would like listening to 🎶 💓

29 69

[aftg] we're so good at telling lies

185 321