//=time() ?>
My Byleth brain after timeskip: "Five years is a long time. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..."
My artist brain: *draws big googly teary eyes and teeny tiny Dimi* 😭😭😭
I don't know what hurts more...☠
Small brain: “Be nice to the quiet girl because she could be secretly psycho”
Big brain: “Be nice to the quiet girl because she may turn out to be a total babe and remember how nice you were to her”
Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto)
my dad, pointing out a large zit in the upper right corner of my forehead: “wow you have a big horn going there”
the my hero academia part of my brain:
also the my hero academia part of my brain:
me: likes dragon ball
me: likes phantom manor
my brain: put them together
Me: what would a todomina kid look like?
Brain: strawberry swirl baby
Me, already getting out my tablet:
my brain: sad
me: okay, here's some therapy so we're not sad
my brain: oh, we're not sad now
me: yes that's corre-
my brain: ok so we're now mad instead
Brain: Do a no-line of Rhap with his hair down
Me: What no why
Brain: You gotta
Teacher: What are you Laughing at?
Me: Nothing
My Brain: Grapplglock
(I Was bored yesterday)
Me: i wanna draw horses again...
Brain: well it has been a while it may be hard.. we probably can't draw a horse..
me: yeah..
**draws a horse**
3AM brain: I cant play P5R so lemme draw a little, and make it a crossover by putting Beelzebub in there somehow. 🥰🥰CUZ I L U V HIM 🥰🥰
Someone gimme UR luck to pull him someday🤲🏼
#Persona5Royal #obeyme #Persona5
my ipad: only 10% battery left
my brain: how about... WATER BENDER ELSA?
Small Brain: Yukine Chris was born on December 28, 3 days after Jesus Christ's birthday
Giga Brain: Kirika Akatsuki was born on April 13
April, 4th month of the year, number 4 (shi) is similar to the japanese word for Death (shi)
13 because the 13th tarot card is Death
i have neither played sims nor watched anime so all i can say is @ my brain: