Huge thanks for purchasing this two beauties!!💙💙💙
Every of us sometimes worries does anyone likes your art or not, but when people buy it we feel so happy and needed!
I am happy😍😍

8 50

No other like the Crypto Pills!!! We have NFT's Digital Artist of the Year, and we are the 1st and only NFT project literally going to the Moon!

1 5

Just collected 3 unique pieces from the same artist.
When I see colors like that, it's hard to resist.

Especially when it's only 1ꜩ

His (or her) gallery :
His Twitter :

1 4

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks xkcdfan.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

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0 9

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks sweettea.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

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0 11

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks titleenters.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

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0 11

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks dekro.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

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0 5

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks ncrnoah.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

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0 9

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks d144.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

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1 8

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks foodstamps.near
thankyouuusomuch ✨

Visit my profile for more pretty punks update :

1 8

Thankyouuu for collecting pretty punks
thankyouuusomuch ✨

Visit my profile for more pretty punks update :

1 5